TITLE: Temperance and the Devil
GENRE: fantasy
WORD COUNT: 50,290
SUMMARY: She's a showgirl searching for the perfect drink. He lives for chaos but turns into a cat whenever the sun comes up. The problem is, they're the only ones standing between Vegas and utter destruction.


Tem had only gotten a hamburger and a small soda for herself. Luc, however, tore into the rest of the food like the demon that Florence thought he was. She stared at him in astonishment before deliberately turning her head so all she could see was the street outside. When she finished her own burger and sipped the last bit of soda, she dumped the trash into the large sack that had originally contained the food. Only then did she look back at the Devil.

The cat sat back with his paws on his belly and burped loudly. Nothing was left of the cheeseburger or the chicken nuggets except for the wrappings.

“You are such a slob.”

“Mrow.” The Devil didn't care if he was a slob.

Tem sighed. She gathered up all of the garbage and got out of the car to throw it into a nearby trash can. Then she started her car again. “You'll never get girls that way if you eat like that all the time.”

The cat blinked his eyes, giving her his cute face. When she didn't respond, he started purring and butting his head against her side.

“You are such a devious sycophant. I can imagine you doing that to a little old lady. She'd think you were such a cute kitty and she'd take you home to coddle you. And then, when she's least expecting it, you'd tear her face off.”

He purred louder.

“Right. That's what cats do anyway. Whoever turned you into one had the right idea. At least in this form, you can't blow anything up.”

He suddenly stopped purring.

She briefly looked at him and then back out at the traffic. “My God, you did blow up something while I was sleeping. I suppose we'll hear about it on the news tonight.”

“Mrow.” It was a smug vocalization.

Tem decided to take out her annoyance with Luc's shenanigans on the gas pedal. They made it to Babel's parking garage in record time. But just as she opened the driver side door to get out, the cat barreled past her and quickly disappeared into the rows of cars.

“If you blow up this parking garage,” she yelled after him, “I'll never forgive you!”

copyright © 2001-2012 S. Y. Affolee